23 August, 2006

Internet Perils

I realized that I promised to one of my friends to write about why internet is a dangerous place to reveal secrets.

my unbiased opinion got stronger when I read an article couple of months back, in the StatePress, ASU's daily independent news paper. The article was about how a student lost her job because the employer had googled her name and happend to find personal views that are potentially dangerous to companys outlook.(i guess there were also some photographs with tatoos on arms.. but having a a tatoo shouldn't necessarly mean end of life)
Read the article here:
Jobs lost

So its time to clean up all the trails that you are leaving on the internet and get back the 'good-boy' image. The online profiles,affiliations you have, the orkut communities you subscribe to speak a lot about your personality, background.

Still worse is the fact that some of the popular search engines 'cache' the pages their engines crawl. What that means is that if you make a mistake on the net and you are bound to repent (atleast for some time now). And yes,it all happened to me. Last summer when I was applying for internships... I made a small mistake on my resume and had it on my ASU website. As usual when google's engines crawled my web, they had a copy of my resume(with mistakes) cached for atleast 1-2 months. Who knows how many employers had seen this bad copy and gotten a wrong image.

Even the CIA's secrets are not safe on internet. And you need not be a great hacker to find out about its operations. " All you need to know is how to navigate the Internet" says Chicago Tribune. If Intellegence Agency like CIA is not safe from the perils of the internet, dont you think its better to be safe than to be sorry.

Just a word of caution before you post-it on the web!.